Just another blog...

Saturday, December 25, 2004
On this day:

Rescue and relief operations

Pic 1
Originally uploaded by vsankarv.
Several people are feared dead and missing after the tidal waves hit the coastal parts of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa.
Rescue operations were going on at Marina beach, Chennai. I saw 2 bodies recovered during the time I was there at the beach.

A really really tragic event!!! Just another reminder reaffirming Nature's power and strength over us humans.

More earthquake photos

The pics speak for themselves. You can also see a boat that has been posted very close to the road.

While I was there, small waves crept into the sand. I was in the middle of a stampede when people started running away from the sea after the water started coming onto the sand. But with the wave being small, the panic soon died away.

Earthquake Experience...

Today morning, Chennai experienced shocks of an earthquake centered somewhere in Indonesia. My wife woke me up saying she could feel some movements... but I first dismissed her saying she was imagining things... But just a moment later, I felt my bed literally shaking (just for a few seconds). It was a wierd experience. I went out to the balcony and look out at neighbouring flats and roads. Everything seemed to be so quiet :)

A couple of hours later, I learnt that a huge tidal wave has swept the shores on the east coast. I went to the beach to witness the aftermath. The water from the sea has come in to the roads crossing the beach (the 2nd largest in the world). I heard that the waves were about 5-6 feet in height. Just a few photos for you to see...